Friday, May 21, 2010

Gideon Elijah Wong

After ~12 hours of labor, which included 2 hours of active pushing, Gideon Elijah Wong was welcomed into our lives. I never thought I would love someone SO much and would want to do SO much for someone (other than Eugene of course). Pushing Gideon out was no picnic. (For those who have never had a child, I warn you may want to skip to the next paragraph) I've heard about this "ring of fire" when you push your baby out, but I never thought it would actually feel like a RING OF FIRE. The whole time I was pushing, I heard Johnny Cash's song "Ring of Fire" in my head because I just could not bear the PAIN! But it was seriously all worth it. I used to wonder how people can have more than one child...I mean, don't they remember the pain they went through with labor, etc? And now here I sit, still recovering, still in pain, still with a uterus that makes me look like I'm still pregnant, would be a good time to start having our second baby? :P

Eugene and I can't tell who Gideon looks like more, but Eugene thinks he has my mouth and chin. Regardless of who he looks like, we love hi
m to pieces and are enjoying every single minute with me (despite the lack of sleep).

**At the hospital, waiting for my epidural**
**After the epidural...I felt much better!**
**Hello Gideon!**

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