Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gideon, version 0.5

Our little boy is 6 months old today! That's a whole 0.5 year! I can't believe how fast time has flown by. It feels like just yesterday we were on our way home from the hospital...and now he's already half a year old. I am so thankful that the Lord has given me this much time to spend with him at home. I have been blessed with the gift of time. I have been able to watch him grow, reach milestones, and do silly little things that only a mother would treasure.

To celebrate Gideon's half birthday, I made him a red velvet cake that he can't eat (hehe!), we gave him two brand new toys that he's having fun with already, and we took him to Golden Gate Park and put him on grass for the first time. I think he was a little puzzled by the weird green thing he was sitting on (grass) and also bewildered by the many cars driving by, but it looks like he may have also had a lot of fun as well. We also started him on solids a week ago. He's still learning to swallow instead of pushing the food out of his mouth with his tongue, but food has been going down for the most part. So far, he has had rice cereal and mashed up bananas. I think we'll keep it on these two for now.

I can't wait to see what more fantastic and wonderful things he does and learns to do in the coming six months as we approach his one year mark. I know time will fly by again and he will grow astoundingly fast, so I will enjoy every single minute of it!

Here are some more things Gideon does now (I'll update later with his stats):
**rolls over by himself (favors his right)**
**reaches up for things in front of him**
**recognizes his name**
**loves to squeal and play with his voice**
**eats (and spits out) rice cereal and bananas**
**sits up by himself for about 30 seconds at a time**
**most likely teething, judging for the amount of drool everyday**

Six month stats:
**Weight = 20 lbs, 3.6 oz (89%)**
**Height = 28 inches (92%)**
**Head circumference = 45 cm (82%)**

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