**bath time**
**tummy time**
**tummy time**
Here is a recap of the events of each week since Gideon entered our lives:
Week 1: Gideon was still jaundiced and underweight, so we were feeding him up a storm -- 2-2.5 oz of breastmilk every 2 hours! Gideon slept A LOT so all of the pictures of him were of sleeping pictures. Gideon weighed 6 pounds and 6 ounces at his first doctor's visit on 5/21/10.
**sleeping in his crib**
**at the lab for a bilirubin test**
**sunbathing to get rid of his jaundice**
Week 2: Gideon started getting visitors this week. The Chins came by as well as lots of aunties (because my pharmacy school friends are pretty much all girls). We also started tummy time to get Gideon's upper body strength up. Gideon's favorite tune to fall asleep to while in mommy's arms: Brahm's Lullabye. Stats this week:
weight = 7 pounds, 10 ounces
length = 20 inches
**at the doctor's office...finally fits his clothes!**
**second tummy time**
**visit with auntie betsy**
Week 3: Gideon continues to increase his upper body strength and control through tummy time. Look at the difference a week makes! Gideon is also awake and alert for longer periods now, especially in the late afternoon to evening times (hopefully we'll help him turn that around to the mornings and afternoons so he and we will sleep better at night). Gideon is able to focus more on mommy and daddy when we hold him...and...I think he can tell when I hold him now. :)

**more tummy time**
**disco dancing in his crib**
**lifting his head all by himself...and then with some help**
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