Thursday, June 17, 2010

One Whole Month

Gideon is now one whole month old! Quite an accomplishment for such a little fella! We decided to do something quite similar to what my friend Sara did with her son each month: take monthly pictures to document Gideon's monthly growth. We're going to take a picture of Gideon each month with a sign designating his monthly age, as well as with Teddy (our little stuffed animal) as a comparison for Gideon's size. Obviously, Gideon was born bigger than Teddy, but it'll be fun to see how much bigger Gideon will get in this coming year, month by month.

At one month, Gideon:
* continues to work on his tummy time exercises *
* seems to be looking at our faces with purpose now *
* is quite a heavy boy...he eats like a monster! *

To celebrate, we were going to have a big huge gigantic party at our place, but realized that we were too sleep-deprived to accomplish such a task. Instead, we just threw together something quick and small and invited family and two of our
close friends over to celebrate. We took our first family picture and even made red eggs!

**Gideon's red eggs and cake**
**Our cousins the Chins**
**With great friend 'Auntie' Olga**
**First family pictures**

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