Monday, April 26, 2010

Emotional Roller Coaster

I was over-emotional during the first trimester. I cried watching Friends re-runs, cried when any commercial came on, cried because of anything. I got better during the second trimester. Life was grand and I got my senses back. Nowadays, I'm a wreck!

It's not just the stress of carrying the baby through all this time with the fear of going into labor early again. It's not the pains of not being able to sleep through the night (I wake up every 2 hours to use the restroom). It's not the back pains I have on a daily basis. It's not even the contractions that I've been experiencing since before 27 weeks. What is it then?

It's the constant comments I get from people at work:
"You're SO big!"
"You're bigger than ___ and she's due the same time as you!"
"You're not going to make it to June!"
"I give you to May. You won't last till June."
"You REALLY grew!"

I'm sure they mean well and everything, but I just want to shout back:

Instead of shouting back though, I go home and have a breakdown. Weekly breakdown. That can't be good right? I'm so tired. The only things keeping me going are knowing that the Lord is watching over us and the baby, Eugene, and the baby.


Tayyarah 824 said...

don't let them bother you Helen! It's a beautiful thing being pregnant and you look beautiful! People who aren't used to seeing pregnant women have nothing to compare them to other than non-pregnant people... and that's a big difference, so it can be shocking to them! They can definitely be insensitive though... The way I see it, the bigger you are, the bigger and healthier your baby! Everyone carries differently, and with your small frame, you may just look big compared to someone who's normally bigger than you to begin with. And after all- you ARE about 8 months preggers, so you should be big- it's a good thing!! :D

yoshimiko said...

Don't feel bad Helen. Those people don't know what they are talking about. And you are pregnant, you're tummy is SUPPOSED to be big. There is an almost full size baby in there! Just a few more weeks, and the baby will be on the outside! yay. And you will finally be able to lie on your stomach, lie flat on your back, cut your toenails, not have boobs sitting on your stomach... all that good stuff. Hang in there!

e and h said...

thanks mamas! i can't wait until our little ones can play together!!! miss you both!