Sunday, December 20, 2009
First dream about baby...
I had my first dream about baby last night and it was absolutely horrifying! I've read in some books that women dream about giving birth and how terrifying the dream was because of the pain or because they gave birth to an animal. My dream...not about birth at all. Baby was a girl and even though she was just a newborn, she could talk! And boy...was she talking as in talking back to me and being obnoxious to me! Nothing I did was right by her. Because I was so nervous, I even forgot to feed her for a whole day! When I woke up, I just felt miserable. I knew it was a dream, but I couldn't help feeling that baby was going to grow up into an obnoxious person who talked back to his/her parents. Eugene thinks it's just a funny dream...since he's always obnoxious to me in my dreams as well. :P
Saturday, December 19, 2009
A Healthy Heartbeat
We had our 15 week checkup yesterday and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was so amazing to hear our little one's heart beat so quickly and with such strength. "It's a healthy heartbeat!" my OB told me. So far so good then? :)
I was so overwhelmed that tears flooded my eyes. I still can't believe it sometimes...there's a little person growing inside of me! Everytime I touch my belly, I wonder what baby will grow up to be, if baby will be a musician, an artist, an athlete, if baby will be shy or super extroverted. Well, regardless, I know that the Lord Jesus has everything planned and ready for our little one.
Next appointment...January 22 to find out if baby is a boy or girl! Can't wait!
I was so overwhelmed that tears flooded my eyes. I still can't believe it sometimes...there's a little person growing inside of me! Everytime I touch my belly, I wonder what baby will grow up to be, if baby will be a musician, an artist, an athlete, if baby will be shy or super extroverted. Well, regardless, I know that the Lord Jesus has everything planned and ready for our little one.
Next appointment...January 22 to find out if baby is a boy or girl! Can't wait!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Week 14...a little poochier
When I first found out that I was pregnant, I imagined that I would keep a daily diary/blog about the whole experience so that my baby would have something to read back on later. I also imagined that I would be this wonderfully happy pregnant lady who would spread joy to all those around her. Boy...was I ever wrong...
Being pregnant during residency is not only hard and draining on the energy and body, but also...hard and draining on the energy and body. I wanted to throw up day and night during the first 12 weeks and now that I'm in the 14th week, one would think that it'd be over, but in my case...I'm still throwing up, I'm still tired, and I'm still drained. When will all of this be over? I just want to be that happy pregnant lady soon. The only things that really help me through each day are knowing that the Lord Jesus is watching us and carrying us through every step of the way, having Eugene by my side holding me and hugging baby every chance he gets, and thinking about and imagining how baby is growing inside of me. I pray that the Lord will continue to guide us through the next 6 months and that He will also be the love of baby's life.
Being pregnant during residency is not only hard and draining on the energy and body, but also...hard and draining on the energy and body. I wanted to throw up day and night during the first 12 weeks and now that I'm in the 14th week, one would think that it'd be over, but in my case...I'm still throwing up, I'm still tired, and I'm still drained. When will all of this be over? I just want to be that happy pregnant lady soon. The only things that really help me through each day are knowing that the Lord Jesus is watching us and carrying us through every step of the way, having Eugene by my side holding me and hugging baby every chance he gets, and thinking about and imagining how baby is growing inside of me. I pray that the Lord will continue to guide us through the next 6 months and that He will also be the love of baby's life.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
new beginnings
it is definitely time to start blogging again. and what better way to start things off than with our new baby! we found out on sept 29 that we're pregnant! or, i'm pregnant and eugene's a happy father-to-be. at my first prenatal appointment, we got to see our little hippo (that looks more like a peanut) and we also saw the heart flutter. now that the first trimester is coming to an end, i can say goodbye to all the nausea and vomitting and hopefully welcome some more energy and a better appetite. i'll try to post more so that we can keep track of our little one and also to share our joyous news with our family and friends. God really blessed us and i pray that He continues to watch over us as we continue this journey to our little family of three!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yay Eugene!!
Eugene graduated from SFSU this past weekend, which will make us two proud graduates! Pictures from both of our graduations will be posted shortly. The main attraction this time: Eugene received Honorable Mention in a bike rack design competition for Treasure Island! Our Eugene Wong is quite famous!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Now that we're done with pharmacy school and are officially Dr. So-and-Sos, what do we do? We reward ourselves of course! With SHaGS back together after a year apart, we spent as much time as possible together over the course of just a week and boy were we successful! From crepes, to a surprise baby shower, to the Berkeley Rose Gardens, to a SF photo shoot, to Calistoga, no matter where we were, fun was bound to happen!
**Our SF Photo Shoot**

**Grace found this really funky-colored house we HAD to take pictures with!**

**Grace found this really funky-colored house we HAD to take pictures with!**
**Obviously, we needed to take a picture with the pretty ladies**
**We found a cute little house with the cutest little flower garden in front**
**The SHaGS statues!**
**Fun with shadows...which one is me?**
**Our "Sex and the City" walk**
**The evolution of woman...with baby**
**After our fun photo shoot, we stopped by Polyann's to get some yummy ice cream**
**We continued our photo shoot on our way to our spa treatment in Calistoga**
**Our fun breakfast time together - what four Doctors of Pharmacy do during breakfast**
Monday, March 30, 2009
All done!!!
It only took 1 year of teaching, 3 years in finance, 2 years of prep work, and 4 years of pharmacy school to be finally done! Well...there's still 1 more year of residency, but hey...who's counting? Now, officially, technically, I'm a PharmD! Yep, Dr. Wang. That feels strange. Sounds strange. But oh so true!!! Now, to get that RPh after the PharmD...that will be another hurdle. Until I get there though, it's time to celebrate!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
nice long weekend
ah...i finally don't have to wake up at 5am everyday. to celebrate (and to enjoy a nice long three-day weekend), we watched movies and we ate. a lot! i made my first souffle and we had lots of fun making italian food (lasagna was made this weekend an the pizza was made a few weeks ago).
we must have gained 5 pounds this weekend. but that's okay. all the italian food was worth it. why italian food? because... WE'RE GOING TO ITALY!!! that's right! to celebrate our graduations (mine on 5/2, eugene's on 5/23), we'll be taking a nice long 10-day getaway to rome. we booked a great deal through american express and i just cannot wait! we'll write more about it when we get there, but to prepare ourselves, we're eating tons of italian food, i'm learning to drink some more wine (apparently, wine's cheaper than water over there), we're reading all about rome travles (rick steve's rome book is becoming quite handy), and we're learning helpful italian phrases (thanks pattie and manu!). can't wait!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
how little i'm trained
today was supposed to be like any other. i take the shuttle from cpmc (california pacific medical center) to the bart station and then i take muni home.
at one of the stops, a homeless man in a wheelchair came onto the train. i was standing right in the front behind the driver watching the train drive through the tunnel, listening to my music. he was a very friendly guy, talking to the elderly sitting in the front and telling me i wasn't in his way because he wasn't getting off until later. so, i just keep listening to my music. until i notice that he's stretching for an awfully long time...and hitting his head against the glass...shaking... OH MY GOSH! HE'S HAVING A SEIZURE!
i quickly tell the driver to call for help, that this man is having a seizure. then i scream into the train, IS THERE A DOCTOR ON THE TRAIN? no response...quiet... i then turn towards the man and kneel down to see if he has regained consiousness. a very quite but strong elderly lady sitting nearby pulls me back and shakes her head at me angrily. while i tell her that it's okay, that i know what i'm doing, she still gives me angry shakes and keeps pulling me back. i shake free of her (we're at the stop now) and call 911 right away. meanwhile, muni has been called and the paramedics are on the way.
(not verbatim)
911: 911, what is your emergency?
me: i'm on the L train stopped at the west portal station and there's a man here who just had a seizure.
911: is he currently still having a seizure?
me: no, it looks like he has stopped seizing.
911: how old is he? can you tell how old he is?
me: i can't tell, but the muni people here say he's 60 years old.
911: is he consious?
me: his eyes are closed and he's breathing, the muni people are trying to talk to him (muni person: he's listening to what i'm saying, but he's not responding)
911: if you can, try to get him to lie to his side so that he doesn't choke on anything.
me asking muni: can we turn him to his side?
muni: it's best we leave him where he is. we know him, he's had multiple episodes on the trains.
when i leave the station, the paramedics are already on their way and the muni people have assured me that he'll be in good hands. but, i can't help but think how ill prepared i was for this emergency situation. i'm almost done with 4 years of schooling and i can't help a man who seized right in front of me. i kept wondering if i should have checked for a medical bracelet or if i should have looked for anti-seizure meds in his bags.
but, as one of my friends put it: "don't feel bad. on the other hand, once we get into residency and are code trained and have IV meds nearby, then you'd TOTALLY be all over it."
at one of the stops, a homeless man in a wheelchair came onto the train. i was standing right in the front behind the driver watching the train drive through the tunnel, listening to my music. he was a very friendly guy, talking to the elderly sitting in the front and telling me i wasn't in his way because he wasn't getting off until later. so, i just keep listening to my music. until i notice that he's stretching for an awfully long time...and hitting his head against the glass...shaking... OH MY GOSH! HE'S HAVING A SEIZURE!
i quickly tell the driver to call for help, that this man is having a seizure. then i scream into the train, IS THERE A DOCTOR ON THE TRAIN? no response...quiet... i then turn towards the man and kneel down to see if he has regained consiousness. a very quite but strong elderly lady sitting nearby pulls me back and shakes her head at me angrily. while i tell her that it's okay, that i know what i'm doing, she still gives me angry shakes and keeps pulling me back. i shake free of her (we're at the stop now) and call 911 right away. meanwhile, muni has been called and the paramedics are on the way.
(not verbatim)
911: 911, what is your emergency?
me: i'm on the L train stopped at the west portal station and there's a man here who just had a seizure.
911: is he currently still having a seizure?
me: no, it looks like he has stopped seizing.
911: how old is he? can you tell how old he is?
me: i can't tell, but the muni people here say he's 60 years old.
911: is he consious?
me: his eyes are closed and he's breathing, the muni people are trying to talk to him (muni person: he's listening to what i'm saying, but he's not responding)
911: if you can, try to get him to lie to his side so that he doesn't choke on anything.
me asking muni: can we turn him to his side?
muni: it's best we leave him where he is. we know him, he's had multiple episodes on the trains.
when i leave the station, the paramedics are already on their way and the muni people have assured me that he'll be in good hands. but, i can't help but think how ill prepared i was for this emergency situation. i'm almost done with 4 years of schooling and i can't help a man who seized right in front of me. i kept wondering if i should have checked for a medical bracelet or if i should have looked for anti-seizure meds in his bags.
but, as one of my friends put it: "don't feel bad. on the other hand, once we get into residency and are code trained and have IV meds nearby, then you'd TOTALLY be all over it."
Monday, January 19, 2009
away again
it has been quite a while since we last posted anything. so, rather than blabbing on, let's just get straight to our vacation adventures.
for christmas, we headed down south to san diego to spend time with gladys and duke. that's when we first found out that gladys is expecting! yay!!! eugene and i will be uncle and aunt! :) the day after we arrived, we drove up north again, to sequoia national park for a few days of fun in the snow. it was absolutely freezing up there, but the gorgeous view made up for the cold. we went snow shoe-ing among the giant sequoias and found out that there were fleas in the snow (ew!). we also went to see the oldest tree, the general sherman. it was so relaxing up there not having to worry about school or anything else. :)
the day after christmas, eugene and i headed to the san diego wild animal park. the sun was out and blasting, but we were still pretty cold. eugene really enjoyed seeing the gorillas and i had fun pretending to be a flamingo.
recently, we made our way to the california academy of science in golden gate park. we attempted to go the first weekend it opened (it was free the first day), but we got stuck in traffic on the way there and then were informed by our friends that the way to get in was over 2 hours! so, we waited and waited for a good weekend to go and we finally made it! it was spectacular inside! the rain forest globe that we walked around was really warm, but the different types of animals and reptiles and insects we saw inside were truly amazing. here are some pictures of what we saw...we liked the spider-man frog the best! :)
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